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5852 reviews
Eyesight Screen Lens (First experience)

I order there screen lens.The process of conformation is great 😊.I order in Lahore and i get them in 1 day from Karachi.The delivery 🚚 time is very fast.The parcel is safely packed.Very good experience.100% recommend.The price is very low from local market.The price from Local=4,500 & Peachmart=2,200


It's my first to purchasing the eyeglasses from peachmart the best part is that the glasses have good quality and are really reasonable and I receive my parcel really quick thank you will shop again InshaAllah


Its my first order on peachmart and it was good, the glasses are light weight and comfortable, I am satisfied with the purchase.


just got it is amazing. I like it

Add Laser + Card
Muhammad O.Q.

Good quality product

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Luxury Glasses

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Screen Glasses

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Transition Glasses

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Transition+ Screen

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